Report FAQ's
  • 16 Jan 2024
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Report FAQ's

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Article summary

1. Why is the report not showing the expected data?

a) Please make sure that you are logged into the correct school (not the district) and school year. 

b) Most reports are linked to ADA class rosters. Verify you have enrolled students in their ADA class rosters before running a report for the specific school year.  

2. Why is a new student missing from my report or automated export? 

Reports and exports are only as accurate as your data is. The data for new students needs to be collected and entered whether it is done manually or through Online Registration. If you are missing students, that is often a result of incomplete student-contact relationships. 

If data collection is not done through the Online Registration (all forms verified by admin and uploaded to the live SchoolWise database), it has to be entered manually through the SchoolWise Desktop (which includes setting relationships, emergency contacts, pickup permission, and parental notifications). 

3. Why is the Letter Gradebook Progress Report showing an unexpected mark?

The mark on the report is determined by the percentage value and the grading scale. The school has a default scale, but each class can have custom values. You can access these values by selecting Grading Scale Setup.
Values can reset by clicking the red back arrow.