Online Registration Sample Forms
  • 15 Dec 2022
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Online Registration Sample Forms

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Article summary

Global Standardized Forms

There are 3 standardized forms that every school uses for parents to enter data that is synced to the SchoolWise SIS. 

1. Family Household Information

2. Student Emergency Contacts

3. Student Medical Information

Family Household Information
This form is filled out by parents with the student place of residence information.  

Student Emergency Contacts Form
Here the parent can fill out information about emergency contacts and the relationship of each contact specific to the student.

Student Medical Information Form
Here the parent can fill out medical information specific to the student.

Optional Standardized Forms

  • There are additional standardized forms that can also be used:
  • Proof of Residency
  • NSLP Application for Free and Reduced-Price Meals
  • Household Income Data (NSLP Range or Detailed)
  • Student Housing Questionnaire
  • Language Survey
  • Pesticide Use Notification
  • Student Immunizations
  • Health Exams
  • Most Recent School
  • Transcript Release Form
  • After School Program

Customized Forms

Many forms can be customized for your school. We can add fields, change wording & make them fit your specific situation. Please look through some of the examples below and let us know how we can help.

  • Student Directory Information (FERPA)
  • Student Media Consent Form
  • Parent & Student Technology Agreement
  • Library Material Check-Out Request & Liability
  • Volunteer Driver/Field Trip by Private Vehicle Application (Driver's Insurance)
  • Pesticide Use Notification
  • Student/Parent Portal (Online Gradebook) Opt-in & Notification
  • Student Walk Home Permission
  • Student Health Screening Consent
  • Student Bus Ride/Pickup Request
  • Student Milk Request Form
  • Student Annual Field Trip Permission Slip
  • Parent Required Forms (Acknowledgement of Notification)

Student Directory Information (FERPA)

Here the parent can fill out information for FERPA.

Student Media Consent Form

Here the parent can consent to certain media permissions.

Parent & Student Technology Use Agreement

Here the parent can consent to having read and agreed to an acceptable tech use contract.

Library Material Check-Out Request & Liability Form

Here the parent can consent to the student checking out library materials and consent to the safe return of them.

Volunteer Driver/Field Trip by Private Vehicle Form (Insurance Information)

Here the parent can provide the required insurance information to be able to transport students. 

Pesticide Use Notification

Here the parent confirms they are aware that pesticide is in use on the premises.

Student/Parent Portal (Online Gradebook) Opt-in & Notification Form

Here the parent has the chance to opt-in to the online gradebook service.

Student Walk Permission Form

Here the parent can authorize their student to walk home from school.

Student Health Screening Consent Form

Here the parent can consent to health screening

Student Bus Ride/Pickup Request Form

Here the parent can request bus pickup.

Student Milk Request Form

Here the parent can order student milks.

Student Annual Field Trip Permission Slip

Here the parent can fill out a permission slip that applies to all field trips for the year.

Parent Required Forms (Acknowledgement of Notification)

Here the parent can verify they have read all required forms. Each of these are links to your custom PDF forms.